Part of the projects remit has been to increase the knowledge and understanding of staff working with UASC in respect of their emotional health and wellbeing.
Here we want to share the presentations we have developed and case examples we have gathered that may inform your understanding of the work we are doing and the outcomes we are seeing.
- Screening for Psychological Distress
- Semi-starvation on the journey to the UK
- Sleep Packs & Disordered Sleep Patterns
- The Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health of UASC – Safeguarding Presentation
- The Multiple faces of hope
- The UASC Trauma Triangle
- Training Day Handbook
- Training Report – an evaluation of the Early Intervention Framework Training
- UASC Competency based Training EHW
Video resources
Unaccompanied asylum seeking children’s stories about sleep and the things that make a difference.