Health resources and guidance

This site contains key documents, templates, tools and clinical guidance used in Kent and Medway to support the health needs of our unaccompanied asylum-seeking children population. Many of these resources have been developed by subject matter experts and are published on this website for use within Kent and Medway and to share our learning across the UK.

This document provides an overview of the resources developed or endorsed by the Home Office Asylum Mental Health and Wellbeing (MHW) team or by other organisations.

This is a guide to infectious diseases for carers and social care staff, in particular those working with unaccompanied children and young people.

Select a group below to find out more:

Key documents

Coram’s Young Citizens

In this video young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds share their experiences to help young people new to the UK who may be struggling with their mental health.

The film was made with Coram’s Young Citizens, a group of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds who design and run workshops for other young people from similar backgrounds. Workshop topics include skills for wellbeing and building support networks.