Following a national teleconference this morning we would like to raise awareness regarding the importance of ensuring that the migrant and traveller populations are protected against measles by receiving the MMR vaccination.
There have been several outbreaks of measles in the UK recently which have included traveller and Romanian communities. Therefore we would like ask your colleagues to encourage individuals who have not been vaccinated within these communities to register and attend the GP practice for MMR vaccination.
It is particularly important that those who are travelling to countries such as Romania, where there are a high number of measles cases, are vaccinated with MMR prior to travelling.
Individuals should also be aware that if they are unwell and concerned that they may have symptoms of measles such as high fever, runny nose, cough, red and watery eyes and spots inside the mouth (small red spots with bluish-white centres), that they should first call the GP practice prior to attending to avoid contact with other individuals in waiting rooms etc.
Please see link below with posters and leaflets to support these discussions:
For more information. please contact: Lisa Pledger, Screening and Immunisation Coordinator, NHS England (South East).